Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rule of Engagement #10: A World of Possibilities! Do not Limit Yourself!

For the past two months we have been discussing all the right things that we should do to reach our goal of obtaining our dream job. Everyone can agree that a dream job comes with great pay and benefits, a company that respects its employees and provides training and advancement opportunities, and a company that rewards the personal sacrifices that an individual makes for the company such as changing majors to accommodate the company's needs, move closer to work because of the long hours, and such.

But I also wanted to open my readers' eyes to A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES!

After experiencing the many issues that losing a job brings and applying for jobs that I know that would have allowed me to bring value to the company's that had the positions opened, I realized that there is more out there than the normal "work for someone else". Nowadays, depending on your preparation and entrepreneurship spirit, a world of business opportunities are out there so that you can be you own boss.  It is a lot of work and it requires a lot of patience and possibly some investment.  But, when to go for it if not now?  Don't limit yourself, seek information, research opportunities, increase your social capital, tweet, use LinkedIn, and other networking opportunities that are available for free for you.

Sometimes we will experience limitations: financial limitations, market limitations, global economy limitations. But do not limit yourself. Do you need to go back to school? Do you need to go after a licence or certification that will bring your credential to the next level of competitive advantage? Should you consider using your current skills and experience to build your own business?  The world of Resumes, Applications, Cover Letters, and Interviews will be there, always!

Think about it, maybe it is time to put to work all those ideas that you have had in the past. I am sure that you have dreamed about having the flexibility to work at home or to be self-employed. I am not saying that you are in the position to do it now, I am just saying that you should consider all your options and that you should not forget that the only perfect boss that you are going to find is yourself.  Is it time to try it? Maybe, not; but maybe, just maybe, it is time!

I continue to use Job Crusade to blog ideas and articles, so I hope that you continue to follow and visit from time to time!

Don't forget to visit

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rule of Engagement #9: What to Do When You Are Not THE ONE.

There is a saying that I think will help us understand what happens after an interview: If we were a $100 bill, everyone would like us: but we are not... So there is a chance that, even though you are a great candidate for the position, you are not THE ONE that they are looking for because they may have specific ideas and someone else fits them better.

That is a fact and we cannot let rejection get to us, we have to manage it.  We have to remember that the experience acquired during the interview might help us in the next one, so not everything has been lost.  Jane Gordon gives good advice on the subject matter, so below are the 10 points on managing rejection after an interview.

1. Don't take it personally. Don't use the job interview as a measure of your professional worth. The decision to not hire you was based on the company's specific criteria and needs which may or may not have anything to do with how you showed up at the interview. That you weren't the perfect match doesn't mean that you're not an outstanding professional with excellent attributes and talents.

2. Don't get your needs met through the interview. If you're using the interview to satisfy your need for professional validation, the results will be disastrous. Get your needs met elsewhere and you'll be authentically confident and polished.

3. Don't bring up the past. It's funny how failures have a way of drudging up all our past failures, as well as all the negative feelings associated with the failures. It's as if our minds go into over-drive ­ then our collective unconscious kicks in and we're on autopilot into the failures of our past. Stay present; don't let the past take over.

4. Focus on your strengths. It's easy to blame yourself and focus on your imperfections when faced with a job rejection. Focus on what you're really good at, and what you're passionate about. Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect.

5. Ask yourself questions. Ask yourself questions so you learn from the experience. What would you have done differently? What did you learn from the interviewing process? How would you have handled yourself differently? By asking questions, we focus on learning and growth and consequently move forward.

6. Accept reality. Accept that rejections are a part of the job search. Buttress yourself emotionally to handle the sadness that comes with rejection. Know that rejection is going to happen repeatedly throughout our lifetime; accept rejection as a part of life.

7. Keep it in perspective. Being rejected doesn't mean that your professional qualifications and personal attributes are anything less than spectacular. Employers weigh many considerations when recruiting staff - many of these factors are beyond your control. Keep it in perspective; their decision doesn't necessarily reflect on you.

8. Accept responsibility; don't blame others. Without blaming yourself or beating yourself up, accept
responsibility for your part in the rejection. Take ownership for your contribution.

9 You're not alone. Know that every day, countless others are sharing your experience. Seek out others -- the mutual support and shared knowledge will be enormously helpful. Contacts and job leads, as well as friendships and offers to share technical expertise with each other, result when connecting with others who are on a similar job search journey.

10. Stretch Yourself! Go to the gym and stretch beyond what you think your limits are. Find a place in your life that you can "go to the edge" and be extreme. Don't take life so seriously. Do an activity you've never done before and you'll rejuvenate yourself. This is where inspiration emerges from ­ the creative places we go to when we get outside of ourselves and outside of our ruts.

Next time: Finally, Rule of Engagement #10: A World of Possibilities! Do not Limit Yourself!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rule of Engagement # 8: Thank You Card!

The other day I was watching BIO and they were broadcasting Rosie O’Donnell’s biography.  It was very interesting but one thing caught my attention: She went for an interview to be the host of a TV show for MTV in the 90’s but she did not get the job.  However, she wrote a Thank You letter to the interviewer and he was so impressed that he kept the letter; and called her when an opportunity opened in VH-1. She got the job because she sent a thank you letter.

This article was written by By Barbara Safani and I think it is wonderful, so enjoy!

“Think of thank-you letters as a self-marketing tool and a critical component of your job-search strategy. The time you invest crafting a targeted thank-you letter after an interview is time well spent, and it will help you create a credible and efficient search.
Don't believe me? Here are five reasons why you should incorporate thank-you letters into your search strategy:
1.       A thank-you letter creates an opportunity to re-connect with employers.
Chances are you aren't the only candidate being interviewed for an open position. Writing a follow-up letter allows you to build a relationship with the interviewer and develop rapport. By expressing your gratitude for the interview and recapping the highlights of the meeting, you revisit the reasons why you are the best fit for the position.
2.       Following up keeps your candidacy top of mind.
A candidate often makes the mistake of putting too much control in the interviewer's hands. He believes that if he's the best candidate, the interviewer will remember him and keep him in the loop regarding the selection process. Unfortunately, this doesn't often happen. It's critical that a candidate remind prospective employers of his interest in a position. The thank-you letter is the perfect vehicle for communicating this interest.
3.       Written correspondence gives you another chance to sell your strengths.
While the thank-you letter expresses gratitude for the meeting, it also serves a much more strategic purpose. It provides an opportunity for the candidate to present her skills and accomplishments in another format and market the value she'll add to the employer.

4.       The document enables you to address points you neglected to discuss during the interview.
Many candidates, after leaving the interview, think of other things they could have said during the meeting. Don't label this a liability; turn it into an asset by discussing these points in the thank-you letter. Remind the reader of your ability to produce similar results for their organization.
5.       A letter helps develop rapport and increases the employer's comfort level in your candidacy.
A good strategy is to recap a part of the conversation where you and the interviewer shared similar views on a job-related topic. The thank-you letter can also be a forum for demonstrating your consultative problem-solving skills. By addressing current issues the employer is facing and proposing solutions, you are contributing to the company's success even before you are onboard.

Thank-you letters continue to be an important component of a successful job-search campaign. But the focus has shifted from a simple courtesy and show of appreciation to a targeted self-marketing tool. By creating a letter that validates your candidacy, builds rapport and reminds the reader of your value added, you can significantly influence potential employers and — most importantly — increase your chances for subsequent interviews.” (Safani, 2008).

Next Time: Rule of Engagement #9: What to Do When You Are Not THE ONE. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Rule of Engagement # 7: Types of Interviews

Hello everyone! I am very excited to tell those who have been following my crusade that some opportunities have come my way! I am starting a new business Spanish for Human Resources ( and I am associating with my good friend Dan Farrar from Workforce21 ( as a Director of Workforce Services.  With our association we expect to help our clients to "strengthen your workforce", as Worforce21's tag line reads.  This will require a lot of work and networking and I am very excited about the opportunity not only to grow my own Spanish4HR, but for the opportunity and trust that Dan has placed on my persona. 

Last time we spoke about the different types of Interviewers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.  If that was not mind boggling enough, you now will have to pay attention to the type of interview that you will be getting into, if you want to be successful. Of course you have more information at the time of the interview and you can make your own determination. The below are just general, let's talk about it!

Type of Interview # 1 - Formal
Formal interviews are, in my view, the second easiest interviews to prepare for in terms of presentation because you know that you need your suit, dark colors, and everything must be groom, cut, trimmed, and prepared in such a manner that is not loud but still makes a statement. You should be memorable but in a good manner.  

Formal interviews may be with one or more interviewers and usually is set up in a very formal and intimidating environment, such a conference room, the office of a manager, or even the office of the director or CEO.  It could continue to be intimidating unless the interviewer(s) put you at ease; if that does not happen, you must continue with your formal approach and posture. Be careful with your words and your demeanor, you cannot let your guard down; you may feel that they are trying to break you and you would be exactly right. At the level of these types of interviews directors and managers must bring the right candidate, there is no room for error and if error happens it may be very costly to them. 

Type of Interview # 2 - Casual
Casual interviews pose a little bit of an issue in terms of presentation because you should not go under dressed or over dressed; this alone may take the job out of your hands.  For example, in my previous employment we were hiring someone for certain position and the guy showed up in a suit.  That fact deflated one of the interviewers but we were able to get pass that because of the qualifications and experience of the candidate. 

Casual interviews are in a more relaxed environment, but that does not mean that you should behave too casual or relaxed. Remember, first impressions are everything when you are interviewing and if you push the envelope too much you may hang yourself.  Allow the interviewer(s) to give some room for relaxation first, then you give some, then they will give a little bit more, then you follow suit.  The interviewers direct the interview. You make take calculated risks, but see the word: CALCULATED. 

Type of Interview # 3 - "Field" 
Depending on your line of work you may be asked to show up to the "field": the job site, the shop, the garage, the "floor", the store, the warehouse... etc. I would not attend this interview in a suit of casual clothing, I would honestly and upfront would ask the interviewer if you should show up in "dockers" or jeans, boots or casual shoes.  More than once I've seen people showing overdress to a field interview and right off the bat gaining a bad reputation with potential subordinates or coworkers because "he looks like he is not hands-on". 

Field interviews may be under the sun or other extreme weather conditions. Look for the weather announcements and be prepared. They could also be in very hot or very cold "inside" conditions; be prepared. The place may be noisy (like a construction job site) or very quiet (like a computer manufacturing line). Be aware of your surroundings, have a smile ready for those you will be around you, and observe safety precautions.  

Type of Interview # 4 - Combination
Some interviews are a combination of all the above.  You can go to the first interview that could be a Type 2 and then asked to attend the second interview because it just so happen that the CEO has a moment, now.  Or you may be asked if you have time to go to the "filed" now because they want you to see how they operate. If you are interviewing for a work that may present these surprises, be prepared with extra clothing, proper shoes, and such. Hopefully they will tell you in advance if you will have an all-around interview, but I myself have surprised a few of my candidates, so don't let them surprise you... surprise them by telling them that you came prepared!

Next time: Rule of Engagement # 8: Thank You Card!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rule of Engagement #6 - Type of Interviewers

Hello my fellow job seekers and friends!  I am very excited because I have been working in a project after a good friend of mine gave me a great idea:  Translation services!  Please visit the Website and provide me with your input, it will be highly appreciated:

Now, to the topic:  Type of Interviewers. 

Before we go to an interview we have to be prepared to deal with many characters, personalities, situations, and possible bias that the interviewers may have.  I also want to remind you that the interview is a double edge sward; they are interviewing you as you, even if secretly, are interviewing them. Also remember that the interviewer type may vary depending on what day the interviewer has had or any pressing situations, so the fact the the interviewer behaved in certain manner during a first interview it does not mean that he or she will behave the same in the second or third interview.  The change can also happen when other interviewers (such as managers or peers) are in the room. So preparedness is key.

Type of Interviewer # 1 - The Good
The good interviewer is that one who understand the position that he or she is hiring for, provides you with a job description or a summary of the job, allows you to read it, and ask questions that are pertinent to the job or the fit of the organization.  And when her or she asks questions, he or she will allow you to answer the question.

How to handle: Be yourself, pay attention to the questions and answer in a professional but simple manner. The good interviewer will allow you to think about the question and collect yourself when the question present difficult or emotional aspects.  However, don't take too much time in answering.

Type of Interviewer # 2 - The Bad
The bad interviewer will have a preconceived idea of how the interview should happen and won't allow any deviation from his or her plan. Recognize the bad: will tell you that has other interviews and need to rush, be on schedule, but out by certain time. He or she will come prepared with a list of questions and will show little interest in anecdotes, and if he or she is, a question will prompt you to it.  

How to handle: Be understanding, they have the stake on their hands. Tell the interviewer that you understand the time constraints and tell him or her that you are willing to come at another time, if he or she prefers. Most probably they will say no, but you will put the interviewer at ease. Collect yourself, be polite but sharp with your answers. Ask the interviewer if you have answered the question for them and wait until he or she reads the script (the interviewer will probably have one).

Type of Interviewer # 3 - The Ugly
The ugly interviewer has two faces. One face is the face of a nice person but the other face is the face of obvious incompetency and fear that you or someone else may take his of her job. You will notice the condescending tone of voice and the noted "I don't know why they want me to hire someone else."  Or, the interviewer will ask you dry questions that are difficult to answer other than with a yes or a no; and of course, he or she will be making notes and comments such as, hmm...  Really ugly!

How to handle: RUN! No, I am just kidding, but this one will only be survived with incredible professionalism, business etiquette, and a lot of patience.  Put on your understanding face, reassure the interviewer that you understand how work can get difficult and that you will be willing to help him or her achieve the department's goals or the goals in general.  And honestly, you will be working for this person, make sure that you are willing to go through the awkwardness of this interview every day if you are offered the job. 

OK, we are done for now. Do you have interesting interviewer anecdotes? Have you experienced interviewers for hell?  Let us know, help us to get prepared!

Next Time: Rule of Engagement # 7: Types of Interviews.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rule of Engagement #5: Preparing for the Interview! (Part II)

Sorry for the delay in posting this Part II of Rule of Engagement #5: Preparing for the interview!  Some of you may have an idea of how busy the unemployed can be.  I have been participating in several HR Law seminars and I have bee updated in all the changes of the changes of the changes (I am not startling!) that HR Professionals now how to accomplish for their companies.  No wonder why some think that HR Professionals will be the leaders of the future.

Anyway, let's talk about continuing our preparation for our first interview. Time, location, and what not to do before the interview.

Tip # 1 - Location
If you are not familiar with the area, it will be worth your time to drive to the place in advance to check out the location, if possible.  Let's be honest, you will be very nervous anyway, so if you can cut a little bit of the edge by knowing exactly where the interview is. The alternative is to google-map it.  Don't trust your GPS 100%. The other day mine asked me to "stay right" and all of the sudden said, "now, turn left". The problem was that there were 2 lanes on my left and many, many cars...

Tip # 2 - Time
Time is money, literally!  Please be on time, which means to be at the appointment at least 15 minutes in advance. Because you are going to be early, please introduce yourself to the receptionist or whoever greets you and tell him/her that you have an appointment with "the person" at "the time".  Let he or she know that you know that you are early and that you can wait until the appointment time.  That way they won't feel that you are imposing and that you are aware and understand the value of their time.

Tip # 3 - Don't do it! (Just in case you get an interview before my next postings-I hope you do!)
-Don't say that the time of the interview is too early or too late! Say that you have another engagement and courteously ask if some other time can be accommodated.  If not, make the arrangements. The burden of proven that you are the right person for the position is yours.
-Don't be rude to the receptionist or the greeter. Sometimes what they say about your interaction will have a lot of weight!
-Don't hurry the interviewers!
-Don't complain about your previous employers!
-Don't throw anyone under the bus!
-Don't look at your watch!
-Don't chew gum!
-Don't wear cologne or perfume!
-Don't drink massive amounts of water before the interview!
-Don't eat massive amounts of food before the interview!
-Don't ask about compensation and benefits before the interviewer has explained to you the position duties and responsibilities. And then, ask only if it is pertinent.

Do you have more Don't Do It-s? Please add then using the comment function!

Next Time: Rule of Engagement #6 - Type of Interviewers. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rule of Engagement #5: Preparing for the interview! (Part I-A)

I would like to give credit to Erin Kennedy because I am basing the post on his article. I found it useful for me and I wanted to share it with all of you. If you would like to see the full article, please click this link.

I think that we have covered some of the things below, but I also think that stressing the importance of the below items won't hurt. This confirms that preparation before the interview is KING.

"1. Five copies of your resume – even if you have submitted your resume electronically, it is still important to bring along hard copies. In many cases, candidates will find themselves interviewed by multiple managers, so it is always important to have enough resumes to go around.

2. Professional references – be sure to bring a list of 3-5 professional references. Include each reference’s contact information including email address as well as the capacity by which they know you. (Make sure that the contact information is current)

3. Personal references – more and more companies are turning to personal references to round out the interview process, so bring a list of personal references as well. Phone numbers, email address and relationship should be carefully noted for each reference. (Make sure that the contact information is current)

4. Work History – keep a list of your previous employers including physical address, phone number, employment dates and manager names. Being unable to provide this information is unprofessional and may raise an eyebrow or two.

5. Education – bring a list of each school you attended, the address and the degree, or program studied.

6. Skills – As technology continues to evolve, many potential employers are interested in what programs candidates have mastered. You should also include any specialized skills or equipment you can operate

7. Questions – almost all hiring managers will end the interview by asking if the candidate has any questions – prepare a list in advance. It is a great idea to do this by carefully reviewing the company website. The questions should be thought-provoking and relevant.

8. Documentation – Bring along any professional certifications as well as a valid driver’s license and social security card. In the event that the position is immediately offered to you, you will have all of the information needed with you.

9. Samples – Many jobs require a candidate to provide samples of their work. Be sure to bring along representations of your best work. This applies to almost all jobs. For example, an architect may bring along samples of their designs while a teacher might bring lesson plans or an example of a teaching plan.

10. Attitude – never underestimate the power of your attitude – remember you are selling yourself, so it is crucial you come prepared to do just that. Be well rested and eat shortly before your interview.

Being adequately prepared for an interview is the first step towards has a successful session. Be sure to prepare your interview items in advance so you are not rushing around trying to locate everything right before your interview."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cover Letter - Find the Right Content Using the Employment Ad

The purpose of this post is to add some more information to one of my previous postings (

As I explained before, it is important to customize the cover letter for each position.  What I discover is that if you use the requirements of the position you can come up with a great cover letter because you are addressing the implied questions that are contained within each of the items.  I think that this is a great discovery because you will be able to tie your experience and compliance with their requirements and you won't have to guess what is it that they are looking for in the cover letter. 

For example, the following requirements were posted for a Customer Service position:
Do you have what it takes?
  • Customer service and sales experience
  • Rent-to-own, consumer finance, car rental, collections or automotive background
  • Clean driving record, car and insurance
  • Good credit and clean criminal history
Please remember that I am making the experience up for the purpose of the posting, remember that we need to be truthful, always. Also, I am just writing a base, I am sure that once you see the requirements for your particular area of experience you will be able to add your our seasoning to it. 

Dear Recruiter or Manager,

I would like to apply formally for the position of Customer Service Representative.  I am confident that I have the experience and drive to perform all the duties that were stated in the employment announcement. My Resume is attached.

I have extensive experience in customer service and sales. While I was working with X Company, I had the opportunity to work in X and Y projects, which gave me the exposure to successful sales and attaining customer satisfaction, which was part of the strategic goal of the company.  

My work experience has been in collections and rent-to-own. As you know, in both cases I dealt with difficult situations but I managed to care for my customers while achieving the purpose of my calls.  I was relentless but respectful both in collection and in the rent-to-won sales. 

I have a clean driving record and background and credit history.  I own a reliable vehicle and I am insured, so I am ready to start immediately.

I hope that my experience and qualifications are considered as favorable to obtain an interview.  I am very excited about this opportunity and I look forward to talk to you.


e-mail address
Phone number

I really hope that this posting helps you a little bit more.  If you need help composing your Cover Letter let me know know and I will try to help!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quote by Marianne Williamson - I think it will inspire all of us who are looking for a job

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rule of Engagement #5: Preparing for the interview! (Part I)

One little story, yesterday I decided to go the the salon to get my hair, nails, and feet done.  I was talking to the stylist and I told her that I was getting ready for an interview.  After a little while she asked at what time was my interview and I told her that I did not have any scheduled.  She looked me with puzzled eyes and I told her that if I applying for jobs then I need to be ready to interview.  You know, acting by faith.  

So, let's talk about Rule of Engagement #5: Preparing for the interview!

"Preparing" is sort of difficult because you won't know the interviewer's style or the questions that they may throw at you.  So here are some tips that I consider important in view of my experience interviewing people.

Tip # 1 - Read your Resume many times.
You have a Resume and you have send it to several employers. Read it time and time again so that you are sure that it is accurate, that maybe you need to tell the interviewer about anything new that you have done or accomplished since they received your Resume. Provide them with an updated copy with the new information.  More important, read it so that you remember what you wrote.  A blank stare after a question that relates to information in your Resume is not good.

Tip # 2 - Read about the company
With the Internet, the doors to understand a company's culture, goals, mission, vision, and way of doing business are open to job seekers.   Not researching and getting to know your potential employer is not acceptable and almost unforgivable.  Get to know the company, look around their Websites, find out who are the top players, their customers, and understand the mission and vision.  Be prepared to answer questions but also be ready to ask intelligent questions about the company.  That will highly impress the interviewer. 

Tip # 3 - Appearance
Understand the type of work that you are applying to do.  For example, it would be odd to show up to the interview wearing a suit if the position that you are applying for is for a construction laborer.  The same, it would be odd that you show up in jeans for a business management position.  Prepare your clothing, tight in the buttons, have it well pressed. Even if you will wear jeans.  Clean cut appearance is universal, it does not matter what type of job you are interviewing for.  

If you want to win cents, do not use scent!
With more and more companies selecting to be fragrance free due to many employees (including the hiring managers) having chemical sensitivities and fragrance allergies you don't want to jeopardize the success of your interview by making your potential co-workers or managers uncomfortable. So DO NOT use fragrances (including perfumes, colognes, deodorants, hair products, even cloth softeners.)  Don't think that I am too extreme, using any type of scent may cost you a great job. 

Personal hygiene
Oily or messy heir, not good. Too much makeup, with intense color that may be associated with clowns, not good. Bad breath, not good. Chewing gum, not good. Sweaty appearance, not good unless it is an outside job and they know that you are going to interview right after work because they cannot accommodate you at any other time.  Also, please shave or groom your facial hair. 

OK, we are good for today. 

Next time Rule of Engagement #5: Preparing for the interview! (Part II)
-Time, location, and what not to do before the interview.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Interim Posting #2 - Be Ready by Taking Care of Yourself.

I went to the beach yesterday, I got sunburned so badly that my skin is peeling and I do not look interview ready, what I look like is a beach bum.  I just wonder how am I going to explain my burning skin if I am called for an interview.

So I think that a good advise is that while you are looking for a job, please take care of yourself. It would be sad if someone calls your for an interview and you look like a disaster.  Then you will be like me, expecting that wonderful call and dreading it at the same time, at least while I go back to normal.

Write to you soon!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Rule of Engagement # 4: Be a Strategist (going after the right jobs)

Hello Everyone!  I think that this posting is very important, so please read it carefully!  Also remember that I will talk about my experience and depending on your line of business your approach may be a little different, and that is OK.  Just follow the basic principles while customizing your own search.  

I think that it is worth mentioning that the economy seems to be getting a little bit better.  It is true that here in Florida it is improving very slowly because of the big dive that we took between 2006 and 2009, but we will get there.  And this is a good point, maybe I will really have to consider to move out of this beautiful State if I want to advance my career. The alternative might be to take a few steps back and wait for the economy to improve. Then maybe my dream job will show up.  However, I am a nester, meaning that I do not like to jump from job to job. In my previous job I stayed for almost 4 years and only left because of a layoff and the one previous that that one almost 12 and likewise, I left because of a layoff.  

OK, let's get to business, Rule of Engagement # 4: Be a Strategist (going after the right jobs)

In one of my previous posts I mentioned What I Wanted vs. What I Needed.  For now, I am still going for what I want.  Still have a little time.  However, what I want is really hard to get.  What I want is mostly out of State, which for me is not a problem, my family is willing to move.  But I think that even though I have an excellent Resume, personal interviews is where I excel.  Anyway, below some tips.

Tip # 1 - Do not place all your eggs in the same basket.
Do you know how many job search boards, websites, and social media forums are available to you? I do not know the exact number but there are MANY.  Just to mention some:

For Free: ( (why is it so slow when I try to input information?)

Upgrade for a Fee: (Usually for jobs that are $100,000+)

There are many professional groups (such as SHRM in my case), where I can go and check jobs directly related to HR. If you are part of a professional group, you will most probably be able to obtain some leads there.

Tip # 2 - Read the employment announcement carefully.
If the employment ad says "experience in such industry required" or "certain degree required" and you do not have it, don't apply; they won't call you, you will waste your time (and theirs).  If they say "no relocation" that means that they are looking for a local candidate; the way around this is if you have family members in the area and you are willing to relocate at your own cost, then use their address.  You will have to flight really soon if you get an interview, so be prepared with top cash to purchase the ticket with little time in advance.  

Tip # 3 - Subscribe to "search agents"
If you want to work for a specific company, send them your Resume.  Some of the more organized companies have "search agents" meaning that you can enter your information and you will get advised whenever they post a position that may be good for you; you can then apply. 

Tip # 4 - Create a log of the positions and companies that you have applied for.  
This is basically a self-note for me.  I am wondering, what if someone calls me and I don't even remember the position for which I have applied?  After I am done writing this I will go to my e-mail and I will get all the confirmations and make my list.  

I think that we did well for today. Next time: Rule of Engagement #5: Preparing for the interview!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Interim Posting

Before I continue with the next rule of engagement, I want to interject that it is very difficult to find a job outside of your "normal" industry experience.  I have interest in many areas such as retail, consumer goods, and technology, but because I have been in the construction industry for over 15 years, there is not too much that I can do to obtain an opportunity to transition to another industry. I think that they count that the learning curve will be costly, and that is understandable; they do not know me personally, otherwise, they will hire me, right??!!

So, lesson learned, if you have the opportunity to have a job in a different industry in your early career, you will have better chances to move freely across industries when seeking for career opportunities.

The other alternative is to network that you are in the market for a job. Hopefully someone that knows you (me) can open the door for an interview.

We'll see! Write to you soon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rule of Engagement #3: Cover Letter, Resume, and APPLICATIONS! (Part III)

You know, the good thing about unfavorable situations is that once you've hit rock bottom the only way that you can go is UP; that is, if you choose not to dwell at the bottom.  Don't be surprised if those whom you have helped used you and then threw you away; or those who hide their incompetency by taking it on the smaller player. They are just demonstrating their true character and now you know that the only reason that they were somewhat good is because you were around them.  Now that you are not, well, not so good for them. So, what is your decision?  Will you push yourself up or will you stay at the bottom?

So, let's talk about the third part of our Rule of Engagement #3: APPLICATIONS.

I have so much to say about this, but I promise that I will keep it concise.  

Applications is a recruiting document with which companies extract from you the information that they need when they are screening candidates.  Even if at the beginning they only ask for your Resume or Letter of Interest, you will most probably end up completing an application. Applications are not standard. Some are short and some are long, depending on the company and the information that they need.  

Tips on completing applications:

Tip #1 - Prepare! Have Customary Information at Hand
Don't be unprepared! You know that they will ask you for professional/school references. Have the names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers ready.  Also, have the right information on your work experience and school dates. Accuracy is important! Use your Resume to help you complete the application.

Tip # 2 - Read the whole application before you start completing it!
All applications have instructions and disclaimers; please make sure that you read them. If you are dealing with a paper application, read it all before you start completing it.  If you are dealing with online application, read the instructions and whatever entry requests the page allows to see at a time. 

Tip # 3 - Do not leave any blanks!
As a recruiter, one of the things that aggravated me the most was to see blank applications with "See Resume". This is a sign of laziness and will not leave a good impression in your potential employer.  If you are looking for a job, why not take the time to complete the application in a professional manner. You may think that the information that they are requesting is repetitive, but you do not know if they have a specific data base that they are populating to be able to find YOU in the future.  If something does not apply, simply enter N/A. That way the recruiter will know that you did not forget to complete it. 

Tip # 4 - Be descriptive!
If the application asks you for your duties, do not just enter "supervisor" or "payroll".  Be specific and descriptive.  How many people did you supervise? Did you have hiring/firing rights? Did you complete evaluations? What is the core are of your work?  Did you participate in cross trainings?  Help the recruiter help you.  Don make it difficult for the recruiter to understand your experience. What if the recruiter only looks at your application and not your Resume?

Tip # 5 - Date it and sign it!
No additional explanation needed, right?

Be careful! The best recruiting practices prevent employers from asking you potential discriminatory questions such as your race, gender, date of birth, etc.  However, the employer can as you to complete the information if you want.  It is you decision to decline or not.  Mos applications ask about your eligibility to work in US (or a specific country). In U.S., YOU DO NOT NEED TO PROVIDE VERIFICATION DOCUMENTATION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT UNLESS YOU ARE HIRED! 

Next time: Rule of Engagement # 4: Be a Strategist (going after the right jobs)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rule of Engagement #3: COVER LETTER, Resume, and Applications! (Part II)

Hello my friends! Last Thursday and Friday (4/7 and 4/8) I was in Tampa, FL participating in the HR Florida State Council Meeting. It was amazing.  As usual, a lot of learning, a lot of networking, and a lot of new ideas! If you have Twitter and would like more info you can look for #hrflorida or go to

One side note and another tip for my previous posting (Part II):  I discovered a few days ago that I was sending my Resume without my phone number. Can you believe it?  So a good advise is to review your Resume frequently to make sure that all your information is up-to-date (and THERE).

Now, let's talk about the Part II of Rule of Engagement #3, the COVER LETTER!

The first questions that comes to mind is why include a cover letter?  The Resume has all the information that they need, right?  Well, the cover letter is an additional opportunity that I will have to present other experiences, skills, and trainings that I may have that are not included in one of the versions of my Resume.  For example, most advertisers are very specific in what they want, including the experience within specific industries.  So, the cover letter is your opportunity to explain why you are applying even though your experience may be scarce in that industry, or you don't possess certain experience (like a software application), and such.

The cover letter also provides you with the opportunity to hyphen certain aspects of your Resume that may be of interest to the recruiter.  So, having only one cover letter will not work, it is safe to say that you will have one generic one and possibly MANY cover letters, each customized for each one of your applications or Resume Submissions.

Tips for creating a professional cover letter:
Tip #1. Spelling - Make sure that the spelling and grammar are 100% correct. To me, personally, this is a challenge and I have to be very careful.

Tip #2. Size - You may be tempted to write a long cover letter. DON'T. It should be short, concise, and to the point. Just a help to get the recruiter to read your Resume.

Tip #3. Personality - The cover letter is a good opportunity to show professionalism but also to show some personality.  Let them know why you are interested in that job and why you think you will be able to help them achieve their company goals.

Cover letters may be formal or informal, depending on the requirements of the recruiter. General letters should be casual and relaxed if a cover letter is not required, but if the recruiter requires a Cover Letter or Letter of Interest, well, it is required so make it formal.

For sample cover letters you can go to  They have really good examples and good information.

Next Time: Part III - Applications!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rule of Engagement #3: Cover Letter, RESUME, and Applications! (Part I)

Good news! Some recruiters are interested and I received a communication from a local employer that took me to the second step of their hiring process; a Questionnaire.  Even though too early to tell, the fact that I am picking the interest of a few seekers is very exciting!

I have to tell you that writing a good Resume and Cover Letter is very time consuming; however, writing only one of each is not enough, you have to make sure that you customize your submissions tackling the required experience and qualification, that is, if you have them of course.  Applications these days are very long, mostly electronic and some of them ask the same information over and over again.  Actually, the information that they ask is mostly in your Resume, with certain very important exceptions.  Because these topics may be long, I am going to do a three-part of this Rule of Engagement.  

Rule of Engagement #3: Cover Letter, Resume, and Applications! (Part I)
My first time (and if I am not careful the last) opportunity to impress! 

Some think that a good Resume will get you a job but I disagree. A good Resume will get the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager, that's it.  So we need to make our Resume count!  

Tip #1 - Size of the Resume
Please mind the size of your Resume.  For people with limited to medium work experience a one page Resume should be more than enough. Example of people who should only give a one-page Resume are students or adults who are looking for part time jobs, people who have had jobs that are not within the same industry (for example, worked in an fast food, in shoe store, and at a warehouse).  However, people with years of experience within the same industry and/or field, degrees and certifications, can either have a fuller page or two pages, depending on how important the information is. Certifications and other documents may be included with the Resume but they should be mention in the Resume. People with PhD's could have three pages, if they also have extensive experience in their field. 

Tip #2 - Content of the Resume
Just so you know, recruiters go over hundreds of Resume each week, possibly each day, so they just want to bottom line.  The following will give you an idea and the order in which you will present your qualifications:

Profile: Briefly tell them who you are professionally.  
Experience: (Most recent first) Dates of employment, Company, and City.  Please specifically and concisely explain your duties and accomplishments. 
Education: (Most recent first)Years attended, Major and Minors, graduation year, GPA.
Certifications: Full name, license or certification number(s), year obtained
Professional Memberships: List the full name of the organization and specify if you participate as a volunteer in any capacity.
References: Do not enter family as your references, they will not mean anything to the recruiter. Make sure that you write the full name, and working phone number and e-mail address. Students should list community leaders such as clergy and teachers in addition to any good reference for work experience.  Professionals and career seekers should list long term professional contacts, supervisors, consultants, etc. 

Tip #3 - Customizing your Resume
Like I said, I will have about ONE chance to pick the recruiter of hiring managers' interest, so I need to make sure  that my Resume "talks" to them. Reading the company's profile, the employment description and requirements is the first step before deciding if you current Resume will suffice.  If changes are needed, make sure that you save the new Resume with the name of the employer or position, so that you can easily reference them in the future.  

If you want more information, I recommend that you go to the following website, it has many examples!

Next time Part 2: Cover Letter!