Friday, April 1, 2011

Rule of Engagement #1: Inventory what I have and determine what I need.

OK, let's talk about the Rules of Engagement, that is, how I will attack your job hunting following the proper steps. (I am learning how to blog, so that is why I wrote this one on the wrong place before, be patient with me!)

What I have:
1. Degrees (BS/BM + soon my MBA) and lots of brains
2. A professional certification (SPHR)
3. Many years of experience and expertise in my field (10 +)
4. Confidence (Oh yeah!)
5. Professional looking clothing (you know, for the interviews)
6. Good references (quite a few thanks to years of good relationships)
7. A good Resume 
8. Good presentation (well, I can make it happen!)
9. Several important contacts (through my professional memberships and Linked In).

What I don't have:
1. A job (of course!) LOL!
2. Money to spare (must spend wisely)
3. Time to spare (cannot fall into the sleeping in late and going to bed too late), plus I must make sure that I finalize my MBA this October. 
4. Patience (but I will acquire it...certainly I am going through tribulations to make that happen).

So what I have should help me find a job rather quickly but what I don't have may make me select incorrectly. For sure some things got to give, but I think that my limit to find a job is 2 months. After that my family treasure’s reserves will start to go below sustainable levels and definitively I will have to make some decisions. But I cannot let the “what I don’t have” place a shadow over the “what I have” because I think that what I have is pretty amazing!

Have applied to certain select positions, but the one that I like best is in Chicago. Out of State is a possibility but I don’t think it is a probability. We’ll see!

Later today:
Rule of Engagement #2: Determining What I Want and What I Need. This step will help me determine the minimum salary that I can accept…

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